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Curing Medicare to be republished by Cornell University Press in 2016

I am thrilled to announce that Curing Medicare has been accepted for publication by Cornell University Press. After a successful run as a self-published manuscript, and a lot of very positive reviews, the book has found a worthy home at Cornell. We expect the book and its message to reach an even wider audience now, which is so signficant in light of the upcoming presidential election and all the changes occuring in Medicare. It is expected to be republished in 2016 and will again be available at that time.

With the help of an outstanding and accomplished editor at Cornell, Suzanne Gordon, I have reworked much of the book to reflect new challenges that doctors and patients face under Medicare and the Affordable Care Act. The book is not, and never has been, an assault on Medicare. In fact, it is just the opposite. With a sensible approach to reform that is endorsed by primary care doctors and their patients, Medicare is fully capable of serving the needs of the elderly more effectively than it is doing now at a much lower cost and with much higher satisfaction. That is really what the book is all about, and its closing chapters paint a very broad picture of what I think should be done to change course. We will discuss our current body of knowledge about what consitutes the best possible medical care for elderly, show why current practice and many current reforms do not promote ideal care, and then script a recepie for change.

Once a more firm publication date is available, i will let you know. Until then, the blog will continue, with an article about a novel dementia screening test (written about in the Washington Post recently and approved by the FDA) coming soon, one that shows the perils of such testing.

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